Mummy makeover
The mummy makeover (also called a mommy makeover) is a procedure when multiple parts of the body affected by pregnancy are improved through aesthetic surgery. Usually the changes are to the breast and the abdomen, but other parts of the body might be areas of concern such as labia. The specific operation is decided following a consultation.

There main benefits are around improving the breast shape through restoring volume, lifting the breast and adjusting the nipple areola complex. The abdominal benefits include tightening of the abdominal muscles, removing excess fat and skin and repositioning the belly button. Labia reduction or repair following tears are also possible.
The procedure
The procedures for the breast include mastopexies (breast lifts) with sometimes combination with implants and fat transfers, or breast reductions. The abdomen can be approached through mini or full abdominoplasties (tummy tucks). Liposuction can be added on to tackle some other areas at the same time.
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Breast Changes
There are many hormonal changes during pregnancy and these have an effect on the breast shape. You will normally experience swelling of the breasts during pregnancy and after childbirth. Breastfeeding will also produce swelling of the breasts as they fill with milk. Once everything has settled, there will often be loss of volume from the breasts especially the upper part of the breast. The breasts will also droop afterwards but the amount of drooping will vary from patient to patient. These changes can be permanent and is one of the main areas of focus for a mummy make over procedure.
Tummy Changes
During pregnancy the growing baby will stretch the skin and muscles. It is common for the tummy muscles that produce the six pack (rectus muscles) to widen and for there to be a gap. This is called diastasis of the recti or divarication. This can be widened if you have multiple pregnancies or big babies. The skin will also stretch leaving stretch marks. When the baby is born, the skin will shrink and retract. In some, the skin may still be a little loose particularly at the bottom of the tummy. This looseness can be difficult to get rid of by exercise alone and may require surgery to remove the excess loose skin.
What our patients say

What is included in the makeover
You can include any procedure you want to restore your confidence. Popular areas include breast and abdomen.
what happens if i get pregnant
If you get pregnant again after a mummy makeover the pregnancy will change your body again, so the results of the surgery might get reversed.
Can i have surgery if breastfeeding
We recommend you wait at least 6 months after stopping breast feeding before operating on the breasts
Choose Your treatment
Breast + Tummy
From £7499
Breast +Tummy +lipo
From £8999
From £4499
Frequently asked questions
There are several options for the breast depending your needs, including a breast lift only, a breast lift with enlargement using implants or fat transfer or a breast reduction. It is possible to adjust the size of the areola if it has widened with pregnancy.
Depending on the amount of excess a mini tummy tuck might be sufficient. If not then a full tummy tuck is needed. Often only a lower incision is needed, but rarely a vertical scar is also needed.
The procedure requires you to stay in hospital to rest and because we use drains. Usually the stay is overnight.
We recommend wearing a pressure garment for at least 3 months after surgery to maintain the shape.
Certainly not immediately after surgery. After that depends very much on whether you can control a care safely. Most people need 2 weeks.
The risks revolve around the risks of anaesthesia and surgery. These include anaesthetic complications like cardiac and chest problems, clots in the legs and lungs and vomiting. Surgical risks include infection, bleeding, unfavourable scarring, implant rupture, capsule contraction, wound healing problems, seroma, nipple loss, umbilicus loss, asymmetry, dog ears, need for revision surgery.
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