Liposuction is the operation to remove fat from a certain part of the body to reduce the amount, to lipo-model the area or to use the fact in another part of the body for augmentation or contouring.
It can be combined with other procedures such as tummy tucks, thigh lifts or arm lifts. A cannula is used of cannulas to remove the fat leaving behind small 2-3 mm scars that fade over time. The procedure is one of the most common procedures.
The most frequent areas for liposuction are the abdomen (tummy), the flanks (love handles) and the outer thighs (saddle bags).
Liposuction can be performed under local or general anaesthetic depending on the area.
The operating time varies significantly between 1-3 hours depending on the amount of fat to be removed. Up to 5 liters of fat can be removed in one operation. The access points are usually placed is cosmetic areas that can hidden in clothing including swimwear.
Fluid is injected first injected into the area for liposuction to help dissolve the fat, reduce the amount of bleeding and introduce local anaesthetic. The skin incisions are closed with dissolving sutures and dressed with a washproof dressing.
Who is suitable to have liposuction?
- Stable body weight
- Excess fat in a certain part of the body
- The fat is not shifting using diet and exercise
- Want to combine it with a fat transfer procedure
Liposuction is the technique of removing unwanted fat from different areas of the body through the use of cannulas. The procedure is one of the most common procedures. It is done to remove stubborn areas not improving with diet alone, or part of fat grafting (liposculture). The most frequent areas for liposuction are the abdomen (tummy), the flanks (love handles) and the outer thighs (saddle bags). Liposuction can be performed under local or general anaesthetic depending on the area.

Sometimes the fat removed by liposuction in unwanted areas, can be used to augment, restore or enhance other areas such as the face, hands, breasts or buttocks. The fat is washed, processed and injected into the new area, giving permanent and long lasting results without the use of any artificial materials. It is all organic as it is recycling and using your own tissue, giving natural results.
The procedure
Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthetic. The first step is to infiltrate a wetting solution containing local anaesthetic and adrenaline into the treatment area. A small entry port is made through a cannula is introduced, which is then connected to a vacuum to provide suction. The fat is then either discarded or processed to be re-injected into other areas as part of a liposculpture procedure.
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We would start with focusing on the parts that you wish to have the fat removed or transferred from. The common areas are the abdomen, the thighs and the arms. We would not remove more than 5 litres of fat in one operation for safety reasons.
Once the fat is processed, and if we wish to transfer it to another part this is done next. Popular areas to have fat transfers are the buttocks, the breasts, the back of the hands and face, especially under the eyes. Sometimes a top up procedure is needed at 3 months.
After Care
Surprisingly large liposuction procedures can be uncomfortable afterwards, so it is important that you plan at least 1 week of rest. You will need to wear a pressure garment for at least 3 months after surgery to maintain the same, smoothen irregularities and prevent fluid collection.
in some cases active massaging is encouraged such as in buttock fat tansfer cases. Maintain a good level of hydration to prevent further problems after the surgery.

VASER or PAL System
Both techniques are popular, but we that we deliver the same reuslts as VASER quicker and no risk of burning as in the VASER device.
Will i put the weight on again
You need to maintain a steady weight after the procedure. If not then you will gain the weight that was lost by the liposuction.
how much weight can you lose
Each 1 Litre of fat will be equivalent for 1 kilogram of weight, but in reality this does not translate like that
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Frequently asked questions
That very much depends on several factors and requires careful consideration. Even though it is very tempting to remove “as much as possible”, there are safety concerns to be taken into account. Dr Souéid will discuss these in detail as part of the consultation. Removing too much fat too quickly can lead to dangerous fluid shits, more visible irregularities, and more likely to have redundant skin that cannot shrink.
It is very important to keep mobile after the procedure to prevent post-operative complications. You should also wear the provided pressure garment as this is specially designed to maintain a uniform pressure to prevent fluid collection and irregularities. We recommend using a firming cream as well to help the skin regain its health quicker. A healthy balanced diet is essential afterwards to maintain the result and provide you with the vitamins you need to recover.
Liposuction is considered to be a safe procedure when performed by a fully trained surgeon that is a BAPRAS or BAAPS member. Complications are rare but can occur, they may include:
The entry ports will leave small scars around 5mm long or less.
Contour Irregularities and Asymmetry
There may be areas of irregularity or minor differences between two sides. Skin that is loose or has poor elasticity will not shrink as much as good skin, resulting in a more saggy appearance after treatment. A strict post-operative regime helps to achieve better results.
Blood and fat clots travelling in the blood stream, also known as emboli. If they reach the lung they can cause a pulmonary embolus.
Organ Injury
Cannulas are rigid instruments and there are reported cases of injury to organs in the abdomen (organ perforation). This is potentially life threatening.
Will the treated areas come back?
If you put on weight then the remaining fat cells may increase in size.
This a collection of fluid that can form. It usually settles alone, but sometimes needs aspiration.
It is very unlikely to suffer from a decreased sensation of the skin afterwards, however if you do most likely this will be temporary.
Fat necrosis
Fat can sometimes clump together and form hard lumps under the skin. Most of the time that settles spontaneously.
do you have more questions about lipo?

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