Chemical peel
A chemical peel is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or hands, and sometimes the back. The solution is applied to the skin for a certain time, and that causes it to exfoliate. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother than the old skin.

Benefits of skin peels
Skin peels are underrated and underused. They offer a great way to improve the skin sometimes in just one treatment or a short course. They can provide a significant improvement to a variety of conditions from acne, acne scarring, wide pores, oily skin, pigmentation, vascular elements, whitening of the skin and much more.
The procedure
Skin peels are acids and need to be handled with care by a trained plastic surgeon. After cleaning the skin and applying a toner to control the PH, the eyes, hair, nostrils, ears and mouth are protected with a barrier cream. The peel is applied in timed layers until a result is achieved like frosting. The peel is the neutralised and a cooling cream and moisturiser is applied.
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Superficial peel: Mild acid is used to penetrate only the outer layer of skin to gently exfoliate it.
Medium peel: like Glycolic or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is applied to penetrate middle layers of skin. The treatment is used to improve age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles and skin discoloration.
Deep peel: Tricholoracetic acid (TCA), Jessner or phenol is applied to deeply penetrate the skin to remove damaged skin
After Care
After a chemical peel you will be given instructions on how to care for your skin. It is important to tone and moisturise your skin afterwards and on a daily basis. Use a sun screen cream daily to avoid direct sun light. Do not remove any peeled skin, the flakes will fall off on their own.
The downtime from peels vary depending on the depth and can be up to 1 week. Some peels need to be repeated up to 3 times to get a final result.
What our patients say

is a chemical peel good for skin
Peels help remove the dead skin and helps new skin regenerate quicker, giving new fresher skin.
do chemical peels hurt
Some advanced peels hurt for a few seconds but once neutralised the pain goes. Afterwards some experience burning, so creams help.
are peels safe
They are safe in trained hands, but in the untrained hand they can be very dangerous.
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Frequently asked questions
Superficial peels require one to seven days to heal. Treated skin will initially be red and may scale. Lotion or cream should be applied until the skin heals, followed by daily use of sunscreen. Makeup can usually be worn the next day.
Medium peels require seven to 14 days to heal. Treated skin will initially be red and swollen. Swelling worsens for the first 48 hours. Eyelids may swell shut. Blisters may form and break. Skin crusts and peels off in seven to 14 days. Skin must be soaked daily for a specified period, followed by ointment application. Antiviral medication is taken for 10 to 14 days. Mild lotion or cream may be applied. Avoid all sun exposure until healing is complete. Camouflage makeup may be worn after five to seven days.
Deep peels require 14 to 21 days to heal. Skin must be soaked four to six times daily, followed by ointment application for the first 14 days. Afterwards a thick moisturizer is applied for the next 14 days. Antiviral medication is taken for 10 to 14 days. Mild lotion or cream may be applied. Avoid all sun exposure for three to six months. Camouflage makeup may be worn after 14 days.
Depends on the depth of the peel, but medium to deep ones can be painful and require additional cooling measure such as cooler machines or anaesthetic.
Peels can be used for some of the following conditions:
- Acne treatment (Salicylic Acid, Glycolic)
- Acne scarring (TCA)
- Skin Rejuvenation (TCA, Phenol)
- Melasma (TCA, Jessner)
- Age spots (Mandelic)
- Hyperpigmentation (Kojic Acid)
Chemicals care generally very safe, however they can be associated with some risks. These revolve around pigmentation changes, redness of the skin, and burns.
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