ARTAS ROBOTIC Hair Transplant

We Use the Best Hair Transplant Technologies in the World

Hair transplant

Hair Transplant surgery or hair restoration, is a medical procdure that involves moving hair from an area that has normal or adequate hair density to another area that is thin on hair or has no hair. The procedure can be done using several techniques, that are broadly classified into FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or Robotic Hair Restoration. 

The procedure is done under a local anaesthetic. The duration of the procedure depends on the number of the follicles needed. It can range from 3 hours to 8 hours. 

There are 3 stages to a hair transplant procedure:

  1. Extraction or the hair harvest- this is the process of extracting the hair from the donor site ie the site where there is excess hair that can be safely be removed to be transplanted somewhere else. 
  2. Incision making- this is the process of planning the new hair site and then making small incisions in the scalp to implant the hairs into. 
  3. Implantation- this is the stage of putting the new hairs in their new home. The hairs are normally placed one by one as follicular units. 

During planning a hair transplant procedure, the surgeon would estimate the number of hairs needed for the procedure before hand. The aim is to achieve around 40 hairs per cm squared. Some follicles have 1 hairs growing out of them, most have 2, some have 3 and rarely have 4 hairs growing per follicle. 

FUE is now the commonest method to preform hair transplants. It can be done manually, power-assisted or robotically. To harvest the hair the donor site needs to be shaved to a grade 0 or 1. This will grow back in  1 week. 

Small holes will be left behind and hese heal extremely well in most cases to small tiny, near invisible, scars. Usually a dressing is needed only for 24 hours and this can be removed then. The pain is very manageable with oral medications. 

The Advantages of Robotic Hair Transplant Surgery

ARTAS Robotic hair transplant

The ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration System is the only robot in the word that can assist in hair transplants. Harvesting Follicular Units (FUE) it has advantages over manual techniques of FUE. Scarring is minimal and usually the donor site is well covered in 7 days. 

Planning can be done with our 3D Studio giving realistic images of you following the hair transplant. 

Benefits of the artas

Primarily safety. The robot allows for predictable repeatable harvesting with protection of the donor site and the existing hairs. It can be calibrated to suit hair thickness, density and hairs per follicle. Scarring is near invisible as the donor site heals in 7 days leaving no visible scars.

Site making is an added bonus, allowing to make the site for the implantation to protect existing hair.  

The procedure

The procedure is very safe and is done under a local anaesthetic. Like any other hair transplant there are 3 stages of harvesting the hair, making the site for implantation and finally implanting the hair. The duration depends on the size of the procedure. We classify them as small, medium and large procedures depending on the number of follicles needed. 


What our patients say

He was excellent at explaining the procedure and putting you at ease.
Surgical patient

"The Best Experience Ever"

"The ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration System has transformed my practice. I can now deliver consistent results, with more safety and reliability every time."
MG 1293 1 1518956200104 small
Dr Ali Soueid
Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Potential Patient Benefits



Start with a virtual consultation


We offer the full spectrum of hair transplants for men and women. In addition to the Robotic ARTAS System that we specialise in, we offer manual techniques. 

We have 3 packages of hair transplants, small, medium and large. 

We have the option to add a PRP course, a Vitamin course or a DNA swab for tailored medications. All our hair transplants include a PRP bath during the procedure. 

After Care

After the procedure you will be given a full aftercare sheet and all you need for the post operative period including shampoo, spray for the hair and additional care pack. 

We would remove all dressings within 24 hours of surgery and encourage washing of the donor site after 24 hours 

Of course all post-operative consultations are included in the procedure cost and we will not charge for writing prescriptions for medications.

Duration 6 hours


From £3999

Work in 7 days


Sports in 14 days


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Male pattern baldness

Also known as androgenic alopecia is a commonn condition affecting manu men. a similar pattern can be seen in women too.

hair loss classification

This is the most common way to classify hair loss in men. It helps describe the pattern and guide treatment plans. The equivalent classification in women is the Ludwig.


Finasteride and Minoxidil are two medications that are very effective for hair loss prevention.

Choose Your Hair Loss treatment




£50 - £150


£400 - £1000


£60 - £160


£3999 - £6999


£2999 - £5999

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Frequently asked questions

Genetics plays a big role in hair loss as well as health, environment, stress or trauma. knowing the cause of the hair loss is a good first step to starting a treatment plan. We start the diagnosis process by taking a full history including a medical history, family history and social history. All of these factors play a role. Secondly a detailed examination of the scalp could identify local scalp factor, such as scalp condition, pattern of hair loss and any other associated conditions. Sometimes we might ask for some blood investigations if we suspect an organic cause like anaemia or trace element deficiencies. In some rare cases, we might have to take a skin biopsy to diagnose some of the rare conditions of hair loss. 

After getting a diagnosis, we can look at ways to stop the hair loss. In some cases, if the hair is weak and we suspect that you might have a vitamin deficiency we could recommend a course of oral vitamins to boost the hair growth. We recommend Viviscal Professional. We have a great success with this product and find it effective. We also could recommend a direct injection of vitamins into the scalp to give a quicker response. If we identify an organic cause such as Iron or Vitamin D deficiency we could recommend supplements. There are medications available to stop hair loss, in particular Finasteride and Minoxidil. Finasteride is a tablet, usually 1mg once a day. It is suitable for men, and in some cases women but after menopause. It is extremely effective but should be prescribed by a medical doctor to discuss the benefits and the side effects. Minoxidil is typically applied directly on the scalp, once or twice a day. There are several concentrations of it, up to 10 per cent. So in Summary, here are our 7 steps

  1. Seek an expert opinion from a plastic surgeon that specialises in hair loss. Dr Souéid can see you in one of several locations.
  2. Some investigations such as scalp and blood might be needed.
  3. Multivitamins specifically designed for hair loss help give the hair the nutrients it needs. Dr Souéid recommends Viviscal Professional. To order online click here.
  4. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injects growth factors straight into the scalp, stimulating weak follicles.
  5. Mesotherapy into the scalp can deliver nutrients straight into the scalp.
  6. Regaine, that contains minoxidil, helps hair loss progression. It can be used by men and women. It is available as foam or cream and can be ordered here.
  7. Oral tablets Medications such as finasteride or propecia can also reduce the rate of hair loss. These treatments would need to be continued or the rate of hair loss will return to normal. This drug can be used by men, and some women if they meet certain criteria.

When it comes to hair loss, prevention is better than cure, as once hair has been lost then the measures described above are not likely to significantly regrow the hair. Some treatments can help you restore some of your hair, such as Minoxidil and PRP and stem cell injections. If the loss is more advanced then the best option is hair transplant. There are different ways of going hair transplants, such as FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction). Either techniques allow the surgeon to gain some some hair from another part of the body and transplanting it to the needed sight. This is where the ARTAS hair restoration system can help, as it is a robotic advanced FUE method. The donor sites, such as the back of the head, have hair follicles that do not tend to be lost because of the way they are genetically made. When they are implanted into the recipient areas of hair loss they will maintain their permanent nature, because hair has memory. This means that the transplanted hairs should remain although the natural hair in the area may continue to be lost unless treated with the above measures. 


There are a number methods for hair transplants.  The traditional strip technique or FUT involves surgically removing a strip of hair from the back of the head. This strip is then sliced under a microscope into fine individual follicular units, hence the name follicular unit transfer FUT.  This method leaves a long permanent scar along the back of the head. The FUE or follicular unit extraction technique is now a more modern way of extracting hair. It involves taking the individual follicular unit grafts from the back of the head rather than taking a strip. This can be done manually by a surgeon or robotically.  The Robotic ARTAS hair restoration system is the state of the art method of performing hair transplants.

The ARTAS system is the only real robot that can do hair restoration. In addition Dr Souéid is one of a small handful of plastic surgeons that is fully trained in the use of the ARTAS system worldwide. He is a co-founder of the exclusive Skin and Follicle clinics. Compared to manual FUE methods, the ARTAS system, developed in Silicon Valley USA, provides accuracy and precision during the harvesting process, which is reproducible. It has a HD Stereoscopic Vision System that can monitor parameters for each follicular unit 60 times per second. Compare that to the human eye that can process only 10 images per second. In addition the ARTAS system has Artificial Intelligence algorithms to determine characteristics of hair and follicles including angles of growth, thickness of hair, hair type and hair density. The human eye only provides subjective guessing.

The ARTAS system can also make the recipient sites for the hair in the scalp. The advantage of that is that while it is doing so it is also protecting the existing hair follicles. This is impossible with a human eye. The result is that there is no damage to the existing follicles and so there is no net loss of follicles as a result.

Your hair transplant is still finished by hand using our expert team of senior hair technicians. Our team are trained in the ARTAS system and all they do is implant the hair in the scalp. 

Women hair loss can be just as distressing as men hair loss. The causes can be different though and usually a more thorough work up is needed. This includes blood investigations to exclude causes like thyroid problems, anaemia, vitamin D deficiencies and hormonal imbalances. If a cause is identified then treatment can be recommended. Sometimes no cause is found. PRP and Viviscal Professional combination works well for women. Hair transplant is possible, however a careful consultation is needed, as results in women can be unpredictable.

Yes we do. We are also one of very few clinics that will use the ARTAS system for the purpose of eyebrow transplantation giving more predictable results. The procedure is done under local anaesthetic and takes only half a day.

Surprisingly hair transplants are not very painful afterwards. You might need something you might take for a bad headache, not more. The procedure itself is done under local anaesthetic as well, so that takes care of any discomfort during the procedure.

You might notice that the transplanted hair falls off initially and then grows again at around 4 months. The final result will not be until 12 to 18 months after the procedure.

We can help you with the finance of your treatment. We offer 0% interest over 6 months.

Our office can help you will all your needs, from booking your travel to booking your hotel. We can also arrange your airport transports.

You need to come the night before to rest before your procedure. You should stay for the night after as well to allow for rest and to have the wound inspected the second day. After that there will be no dressings. You can then travel, but make sure you walk on the plane and stay hydrated. Have someone travel with you if possible.

You will be provided with a shampoo and spray for your hair. Make sure you use them as instructed. You might want to upgrade to our Premiere BioGro Pack, that contains a Avéne Thermal Spray, IS Clinical Post Recovery Kit that contains a copper wound healing mist spray and a SPF, and 3 months of Viviscal Professional,  3 PRP treatments post surgery and a neck pillow. To order your pack click here.

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