Top 9 tips on getting dermal hyaluronic acid Fillers
Having a dermal filler is sometimes trivilised in the media and among social networks. As a plastic surgeon I not only preform this treatment but also deal witht he corrective treatments and surgery as the consequence of patients having treatments done somewhere else, badly.
We advise that you follow these steps before choosing the type of filler and who should preform the treatment on you.
Is the location Safe & Clean?
Dermla fillers are injections of products and so like any injection, if the area is not clean, severe infections can occur. They also have risks and the location must have the necessary products and skills to deal with an urgent complication.
Is the product well known?
There are dozens of dermal filler products on the market. Choosing the right product is essential to achieve the result but also to ensure that the product is pure enough to prevent what is know as a foreign body reaction.
Use only Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are the only types of fillers that can be dissolved if not liked or in an emergency. We do not use other types of fillers.
Do not believe Instagram all the time
A lot of pictures we see on social media are either enhanced with lighting or filters or the subject had more the normal amount.
Only let a Plastic Surgeon treat you
Plastic surgeons are trained in aesthetics and can also deal with problems. No disrepect to anyone else but the filler market is very unregulated and so knowing the quaifications can be difficult.
Filllers do not last forever
Budgeting for the treatment is essential. A good product costs and so you should plan to either maintain the treatment or if suitbale later convert ot a surgical treatment for longer lasting results.
Aftercare is minimal but…
Event though fillers do not need much aftercare you really should not go out partying on the same day. Try and not use any products for first 24 hours until the wounds heal.
Spread the treatment time and cost
The nice thing about dermal fillers is that one can spread the treatment cost and pace according to their own budget and needs. This will also achieve more natural results.
Bruising can happen
So have arnica cream and ice packs ready, this will reduce the bruising time.
Steps To Get Great Dermal Filler Results
- Choose a Plastic Surgeon
- Use good brands like Juvederm
- Ask for the MD Codes process
- Only have fillers in a safe clean enviroment
- Use ice packs to minimise bruising
hylauronic acid fillers
Dermal fillers can be used as injections to restore volume if areas are deficient, such as cheeks, and enhance existing features, such as lips or nose. Newer ranges allow it to improve fine lines and hydrate the skin. Our most popular range is the Juvederm brand. Using the MD Codes, principle we are focused on safety and cost effectiveness for our patients.

Benefits of Fillers
Hylauronic acid dermal and subdermal fillers help restore, rejuvenate and augment, sometimes in combination. They give temporary results but once they degrade they leave behind a new layer of collagen that helps maintain a better skin. They are safer than any other type of injectable product because hylauronic acid fillers CAN be dissolved in an emergency.
The procedure
After a consultation we can decide with you a treatment plan. The plan could involve one treatment, a combination therapy, or a layering therapy over several courses. Our aim is to provide you with the best results at the most cost effective way for you. The procedure does not normally need additional anaesthetic, but it is possible to add a topical anaesthetic if you wish.
“We have the full spectrum of JUVEDERM products, whether it is the Volite, Ultra, Vycross or Volux”
Dr Ali Soueid

"The Best Experience Ever"

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What our patients say
Profhilo is the first BDDE-free stabilised injectable product for treating skin laxity. With one of the highest concentrations of HA on the market (64mg /2ml) it is not only boosting and hydrating the skin, but also remodels the tissue.
Dr Ali Soueid

One of the commonest uses of fillers are to enhance lips and cheek bones. They can also be used to preform a liquid face lift, a way of rejuvenating the face without surgery, enhancing chins, non-surgical rhinoplasties, brow lifts and temporal filling. Newer generation of fillers allow for injection within the dermis helping with firmness and hydration. They can even be injected in the neck, hands and labia to help restore fullness. Many treatments can be done in one session, but it is possible to spread the sessions if needed.
After Care
Fillers are not painful afterwards normally. There might be some residual numbness after the procedure because they will have some local anaesthetic mixed with them. This could last up to 2 hours. Bruising is not expected to happen but could occur rarely. Cold compressors afterwards could help in reducing swellling and bruising. There might be some rebound swelling that could last for 48 hours, but that settles. Avoid alcohol and exercise for 24 hours after the treatment. The treatment can be repeated once the product degrades.

are dermal fillers safe
Hylauronic acid fillers are safe in trained hands, but can be dangerous if used by unqualified injectors. They can be dissolved in an emergency or complication.
How long to fillers last
Clinical results can last between 6 months to 18 months, but the product can take longer to fully degrade. AS the product degrades it leaves a layer of new collagen.
what are skin boosters
Injected into the dermis of the skin, they help with skin hydration. Also based on hylauronic acid, the treatment will need to be repeated if desired.
Choose Your treatment

Frequently asked questions
We have more than 8 years experience is dermal fillers and we are qualified plastic surgeons. This means that we are well trained in facial anatomy and also capable of treating complications that can arise from treatments.
We will always start with a detailed consultation about your needs and wants before starting any treatment. Most people want to look natural after a treatment, and so we will be able to provide exactly that.
You can fillers in many parts of the body. The commonest areas are lips and cheeks. Other advanced areas that Mr Souéid preforms are:
- Under eyes
- Nose non-surgical rhinoplasty
- Smoker lines
- Forehead enhancement
- Chin enhancement
- Vaginal reshaping
- 8-point lift
- Brow lift
- Liquid face lift
The beauty of the Juvederm range is that it has a wide variety of products. How long they last depends on the type of product. The softer range such as Volbella or Juvederm 3 last about 6-9 months. The intermediate ones such as Juverderm 4 or Volift last between 9-12 months. The thicker products such as Voluma can last up to 18 months. These are just rough guides as it also depends where the filler is injected. Your body may also break down the products more quickly.
Autologous fat as a filler can produce long lasting or even permanent results. Initially after the procedure around 20% to 30% of the fat will get absorbed by the body.
A vial or syringe is what the filler comes in ready to be delivered. You will need at least one vial, commonly 2-3, and for more advanced cases more. The treatments can be done in same day or staged.
The MD Codes are a new development in filler treatments, and it focuses on a pattern on treating each area, to deliver predicable results, with less products, resulting in a natural look at a lower cost to the patient.
Yes. Mr Souéid is one of the leading figures in this field. He has experience in shaping the nose using fillers in all ethnic groups. He uses high grade Juvederm Voluma fillers for the process, which is done as an outpatient procedure. The results can last up to 24 months.
Hyaluronic acid fillers are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world. They are relatively safe and complications are uncommon. The potential risks with fillers include:
Bruising, Swelling, Bleeding
It is normal to get some swelling after any filler treatment and this usually takes a few days to settle. Some patients may like the initial volume after treatment that reduces after a few days so they think the filler has dissolved but this is actually the swelling improving. Some patients may experience bruising or bleeding which is can be related to medication being taken. Some medicines such as aspirin and herbel supplements can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising. It is important you inform Mr Souéid of any regular medications or supplements being taken.
Allergic Reactions
Allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid products are vary rare. If you have a history of severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis then you should not have the treatment.
All patients have some degree of asymmetry and fillers are often used to try and correct asymmetries. Some patients will, however, notice slight asymmetries after treatment as they become more aware and scrutinize their face more after treatment.
Nodules or Granulomas
These are uncommon with hyaluronic fillers but can occur. Granulomas are lumps that form as a reaction to a foreign substance in the body. These are more common with permanent fillers and certain types of temporary fillers. If lumps form with hyaluronic acid fillers they can often be dissolved with an injection of hyalase. Granulomas from other fillers may need surgical removal.
Sometimes fillers can migrate or move from the area of injection to the surrounding area. This can be caused by rubbing or injury to the area.
Infections are uncommon after these treatments.
Tissue Necrosis
Necrosis or death of the skin is a rare complication of filler injections. This occurs if the filler blocks tiny blood vessels or if the pressure from the filler reduces the blood supply to the skin.
There are a few reports of blindness following filler injections. This is a very rare complication with about 100 cases worldwide. This arises when filler enters the bloodstream around the face and travels to the vessels in the back of the eye.
do you have more questions about fillers?

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