Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck surgery, otherwise known as “abdominoplasty” is a plastic surgery procedure that helps create a firmer, flatter, and a more defined abdomen. A tummy tuck removes all the excess abdominal skin and fat and can reposition the belly button as well. During the abdominoplasty operation, if needed, the plastic surgeon can tighten the underlying muscles and repair any hernias as well during the same procedure.
Abdominoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the UK with a high satisfaction rate. Tummy tucks are usually combined with liposucion to the flanks, upper abdomen, back or thighs.
When should you consider a tummy tuck procedure?
- If you are trying to remove stubborn excess skin after weight loss after dieting or after having weight loss surgery.
- If you want to remove excess skin after pregnancy, especially large pregnancies.
- If you want to tighten your abdominal muscles after large pregnancies and you are having back pain due to weak core muscles.
- If your muscles have been separated as the result of a pregnancy.
It is important to know that abdominoplasties are not designed to be weight loss procedures and they do not automatically improve strech marks. You must also realise that following an abdmoninoplasty there will be a scar in the lower abdomen, even though it will be concealed under most clothing and underwear.
Abdominoplasty procedures are suitable for men and for women. The scar design in men is slightly different to women to take into consideration the different hip shapes between both genders.
Who will Benefit from a Tummy Tuck?
- BMI less than 30
- Stable weight
- Got excess skin and fat in abdomen
- Non-smoker
- Not planning further pregnancies int the near future
- Got separated abdominal core muscles
A also know as a Tummy tuck, is an operation performed to either improve the shape of the tummy by removing excess skin and fat or the function of the abdomen by repairing the abdominal wall. Patients present for several reasons at different stages of life and related to multiple reasons. Women tend to present after multiple pregnancies that lead to excess skin or weakness of the abdominal wall. Men present after losing weight and having redundant skin that does not shrink after the weight loss.

The main benefits is that it will help to remove the excess skin and fat that would have been hard to remove with just exercise and weight loss. The procedure also allows for tightening of abdominal muscles, which will help in shape and strengthen the core of the body. The biggest benefit is removing excess skin, that no other treatment can help it shrink or go away. The procedure tends to have a high satisfactions rate.
The procedure
The procedure can be combined with other procedures such as liposuction, breast surgery or arm and thigh lifts. It is performed under general anaesthetic. It can also be a full tummy tuck or a mini one. A full procedure involves tightening the muscle and repositiong the belly button. The mini procedure only involves the lower abdomen skin and fat. We will advise you what will achieve your goals after a clinical examination.
How is a Tummy Tuck Prefomed

Potential Patient Benefits
- Improve emotional well-being
- Increase self confidence
- Boost self-esteem
- Remove excess overhangs
- Tighten abdominal muscles
- Deal with skin irritations
Start with a virtual consultation
The first thing is choose is either a full or mini abdominoplasty as mentioned above. The second choice if you want to add liposuction to your procedure. Liposuction can be added to the abdomen upper part, the flank area or the back. Finally if you want to have other procedures done at the same time. The most common procedure that is added to the tummy tuck is a mastopexy, also know as breast lift procedure. All these options will depend on a full medical examination to determine safety and suitability.
After Care
Depending on the procedure you would be expected to stay overnight in a hospital, with the exception of the mini tummy. Usually 2 small drains are inserted and removed the next day. You will be asked to wear a special garment to maintain shape, reduce swelling and prevent fluid accumulation afterwards. You will be encouraged to walk the next day. If a muscle repair was done, you should not do any aggressive sports for 3 months, otherwise it is 2 months. The garment should also be worn for 3 months. Managing the scar with creams helps it improve.
What our patients say

is abdominoplasty major surgery
We would say yes. That is because it involves a prolonged anaesthetic, involves removing significant amount of tissue, and needs prolonged recovery.
how many sizes do i lose after
That depends, but an estimate is that you will drop by 2 or 3 sizes, but you will have to wait at least 6 months for the final result due to swelling after surgery.
Can i gain belly fat after
If you gain weight again then yes you will. It is important you do the procedure when your weight has been stable for at least a year.
Choose Your treatment

Frequently asked questions
The main difference between the two is whether the belly button is released when the skin is pulled down or not. The full tummy tuck involves more dissection of tissue as well. Only after a consultation with Dr Souéid can we decide which is best. For example if the abdominal muscle needs repairing as well then a full tummy tuck is needed.
Mini-Abdominoplasty is useful in patients where there is only a slight excess of skin and fat in the lower abdomen with no muscle weakness.
Abdominoplasty involves removal of a larger amount of skin and fat from the lower abdomen and plicating the rectus muscle to strengthen it. The belly button, or the umbilicus, is also repositioned during this procedure resulting in scars around the belly button.
Yes you will have 2 drains to make sure that the fluid does not collect inside the abdomen. This helps the fluid come out and the abdomen to heal quicker. The drains are normally removed the next day.
Tummy tucks can be painful afterwards for a few days, especially if the muscle is repaired. It is important to keep taking your painkillers afterwards to ensure you are comfortable. Pain killers can cause constipation though, so make sure you take laxatives as well. Wearing the binder provided also helps in the discomfort.
The binder is essential to wear afterwards for at least 6 weeks. It keeps the abdomen protected from stretching and closes the space created by dissection.
That depends on the where they are. If the stretch marks are low on the abdomen they will be removed as part of the procedure. Higher stretch marks will be helped.
Unfavrouble Scaring- the scar will be in the lower abdomen. The length depends on the abdomen shape and the type of abdominoplasty. Some scars can be short, others longer
Seroma- this is a collection of fluids in the abdomen that might take time to resolve. Occasionally it needs aspirating.
Numbness or Change in Sensation- this occurs while the nerves are still trying to find each other after the procedure. This usually improves with time.
Asymmetry- occasionally both sides might not be exactly the same. This can be normal.
Dog ears- this is excess tissue on the sides. Occasionally the excess needs to be removed after things have settled down.
Bleeding or Haematoma- if this significant then return to theatre is necessary.
Infection- if this occurs antibiotics are necessary.
Wound breakdown
Fat necrosis- fat does not have a great supply and so occasionally he fat will not survive forming lumps.
Irregularities, unevenness
Changes with time and weight gain
Residual redundant skin or muscle weakness
Anaethetic complications, including nausea, vomiting, cardiac and respiratory.
Clots in the legs and lungs
Internal organ damage
Get in Touch
+44 800 772 3501
Documents for your treatment journey
Download your Information Sheet about your treatment.
Download your pre-operative Instructions.
You will need to sign your consent form before you attend for your treatment.
Click here to digitally sign your consent form
Click here to pay online for your consultation.
Click here to pay online for your procedure.
Click here to purchase a surgical garment.
Download your post-treatment instructions and care form.
Click here to fill your Q-PROMS after your treatment.